Hi - Buon giorno - Привет - 你好!
My name is Janna Lipenkova. I hold a Master in Chinese Studies and Economics, a PhD in Computational Linguistics and speak seven languages. After several years of work in AI and NLP in both academia and industry, I started my own analytics business. I am currently leading two exciting companies -
Anacode and
Equintel. Both use Artificial Intelligence to deliver cutting-edge business intelligence and guide our clients towards smarter decisions, strategy and execution. I am also writing a book about building great products with AI, which will soon be published with
Manning Publications.
I know from experience that the path to successful AI deployment is as challenging as it is fascinating. One of the things I enjoy most is sharing this experience with others. In this blog, I condense and share my learnings from a large variety of projects and first-mover initiatives in business intelligence. Below, you can also find a list of my recent presentations and articles.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your project or AI content with me!